Q&A - September 2020 - Issue 02

Q&A - September 2020 - Issue 02

Q1. How did the Contempt of Court Act, 1971 amend? The law of contempt is traced from English Law. The first statute on Contempt of Court Act was passed in 1926 and replaced by the Contempt of Court Act, 1952. Later, the Act was passed by the Parliament in 1971 and came into force on 24th Dec 1974. It extends to the whole of India. The Act consists of 24 Sections. Q2. What is the purpose of the Contempt of Court Act, 1971? • To protect the machinery of justice and the interest of the public. • To prevent interference from the judicial proceedings and to maintain the authority of law.

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Q&A - September 2020 - Issue 01

Q&A - September 2020 - Issue 01

What is the power of the State Government to control traffic? The State Government or other authority authorized by the State government satisfied that it is necessary to limit the speed of the motor vehicle for the public safety or convenience or any nature of road or bridge shall fix such minimum and maximum speed and shall specify the class or description of the motor vehicle or in a particular road or area. (Sec.112). The State Government shall prescribe the conditions while granting permits to the transport vehicle by the State or Regional Transport Authority and may restrict or prohibit such vehicles in any route or area. (Sec.113)

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Q&A - August 2020 - Issue 05

Q&A - August 2020 - Issue 05

THE MOTOR VEHICLES ACT, 1988 Q1. How did the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 amend? Q2. What is the purpose of the act? Q3. What is the necessity and effect of a driving license? Read More....

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Q&A - August 2020 - Issue 04

Q&A - August 2020 - Issue 04

Q1. What is the arbitration agreement in case of death and solvency? In case of death, • Arbitration shall be enforced by or against the legal representative of the deceased. • The arbitrator shall not be terminated on the ground of the death of the person by whom he was appointed. (Sec.40) In case of insolvency, • If the party to the contract is insolvent and the receiver includes an Official Assignee adopts the contract shall be enforceable by or against far it related to any such dispute. • If the party becomes the insolvent before the insolvency proceedings, the received can make an application before the court and the court considering the circumstance of the case, the matter ought to be determined by the arbitration make an order accordingly. (Sec.41)

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