Q&A - December 2020 - Issue 01

Q&A - December 2020 - Issue 01

Q1. What is a forgery? If any person makes false documents or false electronic records or part of documents to cause damage or injury to the public or any person or to support any claim with intent to commit fraud, such person is said to commit forgery. (Sec.463) If any person commits forgery shall be punished with imprisonment extend to two years or with a fine or with both. (Sec.465)

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Q&A - November 2020 - Issue 05

Q&A - November 2020 - Issue 05

Q1. What is robbery? In all robbery there is either theft or extortion. If any person carries away or attempts to take away property obtained by the theft and voluntarily causes or attempts to cause death or hurt or wrongful restraint is said to robbery to commit the theft. If any person at the time of committing the extortion in the presence of the person by putting him in fear and commits the extortion by putting him in fear of instant death, of instant hurt or wrongful restraint is said to robbery to commit extortion. (Sec.390)

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Q&A - November 2020 - Issue 04

Q&A - November 2020 - Issue 04

Q1. What is kidnapping? Kidnapping means stealing or taking away the person from one place to another against his will. There are two kinds of kidnapping. They are, kidnapping from India and kidnapping from lawful guardianship. (Sec.359) Whoever conveys any person beyond the territory of India against his will or without the consent of his guardian is said to kidnap a person from India. (Sec.360) Whoever takes away any male under sixteen years of age who or female who is under eighteen years of age or unsound mind without the consent of the lawful guardian of such minor or unsound mind, it is said to kidnap from the lawful guardianship. (Sec.361) If any person is guilty of kidnapping shall be punished with imprisonment extend to seven years and also liable to fine. (Sec.363)

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Q&A - November 2020 - Issue 03

Q&A - November 2020 - Issue 03

Q1. What is culpable homicide? Whoever causes death by doing an act to cause death or, Causing bodily injury that is likely to cause death or, With the knowledge that he had done an act which is likely to cause death. (Sec.299)

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